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Twitch & YouTube are underway! For real!

Welp, I have had my YouTube channel for 6 years, and I've done nothing productive with it. Whether it was time, money, quality of my videos, patience. The list goes on and on, and I can't think of a logical conclusion to any of it. But that all is behind me now, and I've come a long way from 6 years ago, and have learned more than my fair share of techniques to allow myself to achieve something in life, and that something is Let's Playing on YouTube and livestreaming on Twitch.

It's funny how the two go hand in hand, both involving me playing a video game, something I love to do. But why keep it all to myself, when I can show everyone the greatness of video games and possibly not make it a waste of my time. Through what I have done so far, I've managed to learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Adobe Premiere Pro (A video editor) and Photoshop (An image editor) quite well, or well enough to allow me to follow in what I'm doing, which I call a dream.

Dreams are something we all have, and while some have the means and ability to follow these dreams, others do not and often become discouraged with life or can't find happiness in anything. I am one who believes in following the dream, and racing toward it anyway you can. With hard work and determination, you can achieve almost anything. And if Twitch & YouTube are what I race toward, and maybe I'll become something in this world. An archive, if you will, of every game I've played being forever recorded on YouTube (and my Hard drive!) for future generations to see that you can become just about what you want, if you know what you want and strive to reach it.

Maybe my goal is too easy, maybe my results will leave a small mark in a corner of this world. Who can honestly say, and only time will tell in the end. But I'm going to do what I want, what will you do?

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