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let's play video games, video game console, video game consoles, let's play a game
let's play video games, video game console, video game consoles, let's play a game

So with any gamer comes many games, and with many games comes lots of time where one cannot sit down and enjoy them too leisurely. Couple that with a job and a wife and you ask yourself, "what the hell do I do now?"

So I thought why not stream my gameplay over to Twitch? Well, it's possible now, and using GameFAQs guides and my own knowledge through firsthand experience. I started out back in April of 2016 and now it's 2019 (as of writing this) and I'm still not quite where I'd like to be or done with the amount of games I set out to clear through. But as our collection grows and time passes, I feel the journey is worth it so far.


With that out of the way, I hope you'll stick by me as I climb over the mountain known as video game and can get these out faster than ever. The purpose of this section is to keep a compiled list of every game I've 100% (or in some cases any% because I can't be bothered to 100% them for various reasons) and give you easy access to whatever game you're looking for.


Don't want to keep you waiting too much longer, so here's the list of games with a hopefully easy to sort category system set up for your convenience. Hope you enjoy what's here and are looking forward to more in the future. If you want to know what's planned, just use the side panel or scroll to the top and hover over Let's Play 100% and LP's Progress and Plans for a list of games to be done. Thanks for reading and catch ya'll later!

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Nintendo Entertainment System walkthrough, Nintendo Entertainment System gamaplay, Nintendo Entertainment System completion, nes gameplay, nes video games, nes let's play, let's play nes games, let's play nes, nes walkthrough
Super Nintendo gameplay, Super Nintendo walkthrough, Super Nintendo video games, Super Nintendo gameplay, snes gameplay, snes walkthrough, let's play snes games, snes video games, snes gameplay, snes let's play, snes cutscenes
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Nintendo Wii U video games, Nintendo Wii U gameplay, Nintendo Wii U walkthrough, Nintendo Wii U games, wii u gameplay, wii u video games, wii u walkthrough 100%, wii u let's play, let's play wii u, wiiu gameplay, wiiu let's play, wiiu walkthrough, let's play wiiu 100%, wiiu video games
Nintendo DS video games, Nintendo DS gameplay, Nintendo DS walkthrough, Nintendo DS lets play, Nintendo DS games, nds video games, nds gameplay, nds walkthrough 100%, nds walkthrough, nds let's play, let's play nds 100%, nds 100% gameplay, nds gameplay
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This will be a weekly updated list of games I will playthrough eventually.

Updates will consist of:


1.) New games I decide to add/aquire

2.) Games I remove for *insert reason here*

3.) Changing from 100% to Any% (Story only) or vise versa. There are some things that I do not 100%


You can watch all my playthroughs here:



Waiting: It means I haven't started the game yet. Other games are being done so please be patient if you're waiting for a particular game.


In-progress: It means I'm currently going through it and will upload more parts throughout the week. I generally never upload on weekends, so don't expect much of anything then.


Complete: It means they're done. 100%. Nothing more to see here, move along.


Percents: They list what percent of the game I'm going to do. If I do 100% (which is what I plan to do with 90% of the games) then it will state it. If it's too large a game with too much to cover, I'll probably not do much at all outside of story. I will however try to do as close to 100% as I can, so bear with me.

List of all games to be Let's Played
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